International Panorama of Blended Learning in Science Education: a Systematic Review


  • Thomaz da Silva Guerreiro Botelho Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Maria Inês de A. Jardim
  • Amanda de M. P. Mano



Recently studies of technology on science education is mainly related to innovative environments and Blended Learning, combined models of online and face-to-face instruction. Therefore, the Systematics Literature Reviews are tools that provides detailed surveys and discussions methodologicals before their implementation. We carry out an sistematic review through the Parsifal® platform, a website with pre-defined operations. Were analyzed studies published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, SciELO, Scopus and  Springer Link, allowing the identification of 1996 studies, 79 selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of our research.  The findings presented specific contents in Virtual Learning Environment, Learning Management System, methodologies not originally used in Blended Learning were also incorporated, with predominance of quantitative analyzes and few reflections on theoretical-methodological aspects. Therefore, the motivation and the reports of the subjects involved in the actions were little considered when using the tools.



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