Sitios web educativos para enseñar la dinámica relativista en el nivel secundario y universitario
This research reviews the approach adopted to teach relativistic dynamics by different educational websites aimed at secondary and university levels. The websites are analyzed through an inductive categorization, which has variables relatively similar to those resulting from an analysis of the school textbooks used to teach TER (González et al., 2022). This research shows that websites developed by formal education institutions such as ministries of education or universities have a similar focus to textbooks, meaning they transfer knowledge from books to the web. On the other hand, in websites oriented toward secondary education, the primary way to relativistic dynamics is the concept of mass and energy, starting by questioning Newton’s laws, while university websites begin with the concept of momentum and conservation laws. This research formulates some didactic considerations regarding the teaching of relativistic dynamics in schools.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Richard González, María Rita Otero, Marcelo Arlego
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