The incorporation of didactic research results in the teaching of Physics: The case of teachers in the Province of Córdoba.


  • Nicolas Velasco Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física
  • Laura Buteler



This paper investigates the incorporation of the results of research in science didactics in the classes of the disciplinary subjects of the Higher Level Physics Teacher Training Programs of the Province of Córdoba. The information is obtained from the answers of a questionnaire to 15 of the 21 teachers in charge of the disciplinary areas and 4 interviews. From the analysis it is possible to notice that: 1) Teachers recognize some potential to use Nature of Science in teaching, but these contents have a secondary place in the teaching practice. 2) Teachers frequently problematize the content using multiple resources.3) Practical laboratory work as investigations are used infrequently. In general, teachers use laboratories as demonstrative experiences or to illustrate theory. 4) Teachers usually encourage student participation and their contributions are listened to, but they rarely promote instances from which new learning can emerge. Finally, 5) in relation to the frequency with which teachers work from students' prior ideas, it has been found that there are semantic difficulties about what is a prior idea or alternative model and what is unlearned normative knowledge.


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