Multimodalidade na aprendizagem de Biologia Celular: o uso de recursos audiovisuais e analogias como promotores de representações genuínas dos estudantes
Cell Biology, Multimodality, Analogie, SemiologyAbstract
This article intends to discuss the utilization of multiple representations in Biology Cell learning. A proposal to address the subject of cell transport was developed from problem situations: salt intake and the increase of blood pressure and the absorption of glucose by the gut. The students were oriented to produce singular representations which were used to explain the phenomenon, with the creation of a narrated video, with imagens, animations and allowed to use analogies. Thus, we created a proposal where the use of consolidated representations in the literature was combined with the students´ own expressions, in order to collaborate with the understanding. For the data analysis, we use the categories from semiology, like the denotation, connotation, paradigm and syntagma, which allow us to compare the content in various ways. We concluded that there was engagement and sharing of genuine concepts by the students and innovating with unique representations due to the intense use of analogies.
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